Cuyahoga Performance Q1 2021 Highlights

by Devyn Giannetti , Communications Specialist

Stack of computers on a shelfCuyahoga Performance is a tool the County uses to monitor and report our progress on County goals and priorities.

We do this to increase transparency, show the impact of our programs, and engage the community in conversations about how we can achieve positive results for our community.

Each quarter the Cuyahoga County Office of Innovation & Performance highlights work done to meet Cuyahoga Performance measures or goals.

Some highlights include:

  • Enrollment in Cuyahoga County’s Universal Pre-Kindergarten program as a percent of capacity rose to 72.4% during Q-21, the highest level of enrollment since March 2020.
  • The percent of children achieving permanency within 12 months of entering the children welfare system increased by over 5% to 37.99%, the highest rate of permanency the Division of Children and Family Services has been since Q3-19.
  • Over 67% of child support payments due were made on time, an increase of 3% and well above the Office of Child Support Services performance target of 64.7%.

The Cuyahoga Performance Executive Summary also highlighted the County’s focus on increasing digital equity during COVID-19 and beyond.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how important in-home internet access is in today’s society. The County continues to act to connect individuals and households to affordable, in-home internet.

Through a variety of initiatives, the County’s efforts to get residents connected have resulted in 7,100 residents provided with internet access and 11,000 computers or laptops made available to families.

For more on Cuyahoga Performance, please visit

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