Contact Information:

Linda Lamp
2012 W. 25th Street, 6th Floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44113


Description of Board and Responsibilities:

The function of the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board (ADAMHS) is to plan, fund and monitor public alcohol, drug addiction and mental health services in Cuyahoga County. It serves as a community planning agency for numerous county enterprises and evaluates service needs and priorities. Additionally, ADAMHS reviews and assesses the effectiveness of mental health and addiction services and facilities and addresses treatment options for consumers with mental health and/or addiction issues.


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ADAMHS is governed by an eighteen-member Board of Directors. Each member shall serve a four year term and no appointee shall serve more than two consecutive terms. The following categories must be represented on the Board of Directors:

a. A clinician with experience in the delivery of mental health services;
b. At least one person who has received or is receiving mental health services paid for by public funds;
c. At least one person who is a parent or other relative of a person who is receiving mental health services paid for by public funds;
d. A clinician with experience in the delivery of addiction services;
e. At least one person who has received or is receiving addiction services paid for by public funds;
f. At least one person who is a parent or other relative of a person who has received addiction services paid for by public funds

Members shall be residents of Cuyahoga County and membership of the Board of Directors shall, as nearly as possible, reflect the composition of the population of the service area as to race and gender. All Board members serve without compensation.



Enabling Legislation:

Meeting Information:

The Board meets monthly at 4:00 pm on Wednesdays. Please see the ADAMHS Board website for more details.


Name Term Ends Appointed By/Representation
N/A County Executive
Jun 30, 2027 County Executive
N/A County Executive
N/A County Executive
N/A County Executive
N/A County Executive
N/A County Executive
Jun 30, 2028 County Executive
Jun 30, 2027 County Executive
N/A County Executive
Jun 30, 2027 County Executive
Jun 30, 2026 County Executive
Jun 30, 2025 County Executive
Jun 30, 2025 County Executive
Jun 30, 2027 County Executive
Jun 30, 2028 County Executive