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Citizens' Advisory Council on Equity

Contact Information:

Nailah K. Byrd
1200 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Leadership Staffing:

The Citizens' Advisory Council on Equity shall choose its own leaders and develop its own rules of procedure, consistent with this section, other County ordinances, and the County Charter. The Executive shall provide staff support as needed.

Description of Board and Responsibilities:

The Citizens’ Advisory Council on Equity shall be first appointed in July of 2020 to obtain community input on the full range of equity issues in Cuyahoga County, and on an ad hoc basis as may be necessary to support the work of the County Executive, County Council, Equity Commission and/or Human Rights Commission, and shall be composed of fifteen (15) County residents, appointed by the Executive, and confirmed by Council, of which not more than three (3) may be employees of Cuyahoga County and two (2) County residents, appointed by the County Council President, of which either or both may be employees of Cuyahoga County. The members shall serve staggered terms as described in Ordinance No. O2020-0018. The County Executive and the Council shall use good faith efforts to reflect the diversity of the people of the County in appointing the members of the Citizens' Advisory Council on Equity. Members will serve without compensation, except for actual expenses.


These maps will be updated periodically as additional information becomes available.

CACE Community Conversations Student Toolkit

To hear the important, valuable perspectives of our youth, CACE has developed a Community Conversations on Structural Racism Student Toolkit. This toolkit provides adults and youth leaders with a template to structure conversations so that young people feel safe and heard—Community Conversations are a powerful mechanism to address complex problems and identify potential solutions.

CACE wants to learn and better understand how racism affects our youth. Check out the video to learn more about the purpose of the Youth Toolkit and how you can assist with CACE’s mission to hear from young people.

Explore the toolkit     Training Video


The duties of the Citizens' Advisory Council on Equity shall include:

  1. Acting as a resource for information and advice for the Equity Commission and the Human Rights Commission
  2. Encouraging community outreach and public participation in the development of equity goals, strategies and programs 
  3. Providing recommendations and input to the Executive and Council regarding the development of equity goals, strategies and programs 
  4. Meeting publicly on a quarterly basis to provide a forum for the public to offer ideas and recommendations regarding equity 
  5. Upon completing its work and at such other times as may be appropriate, the Citizens’ Advisory Council on Equity shall provide a report of findings and recommendations for policies and programs from the Advisory Council and collected from the public regarding equity to the Executive and the Council. This report shall also be made available to the public online


Apply Now


The Citizens’ Advisory Council shall consist of fifteen (15) County residents, appointed by the Executive, and confirmed by Council, of which not more than three (3) may be employees of Cuyahoga County and two (2) County residents, appointed by the County Council President, of which either or both may be employees of Cuyahoga County. The County Executive and the Council shall use good faith efforts to reflect the diversity of the people of the County in appointing the members of the Citizens' Advisory Council on Equity. The members of this Council will serve without compensation.


CACE Bylaws

Enabling Legislation:

Public Comment:

The Citizens' Advisory Committee on Equity (“CACE”) accepts oral and written comments from the public on proposed equity strategies, goals, programs and other agency activities. Comments from the public help us learn about and consider diverse points of view and improve the quality of our policy making efforts.

Members of the public who wish to make public comment shall submit a "Public Comment Request Form" to Clerk Nailah K. Byrd, or her designee, at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting's scheduled start time. During the public comment portion of the agenda, commenters will be invited to approach the podium and asked to state their name and address prior to making comment. Members of the public are expected to conduct themselves in a civil and respectful manner at all times. Public comments must be directed to the CACE as a whole as opposed to any individual member, must not contain obscenity, commercial advertising, or defamatory remarks, and are limited to three minutes in length. The CACE reserves the right to silence and/or remove members of the public who make comments which are inappropriate in nature or unrelated to the function of the body.

Members of the public may submit written public comments by sending an email to equity@cuyahogacounty.us. Written comments may be published on the CACE website. Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information as all emails submitted are subject to the provisions of the Ohio Public Records Laws. The CACE reserves the right to refuse to post comments that contain vulgar, profane, obscene, violent or offensive language and/or sexual content or links to sexual content, content unrelated to the function of the body, threats to any person or organization, or content that violates Federal, State, or Local laws.

Public Comments

Other Useful Links:


Name Term Ends Appointed By/Representation
Jul 14, 2026 County Executive
Jul 14, 2024 County Executive
Jul 14, 2025 County Executive
Jul 14, 2024 County Executive
Jul 14, 2024 County Executive
Jul 14, 2026 County Executive
Jul 14, 2025 County Executive
Jul 14, 2025 County Executive
Jul 14, 2025 Council President
Jul 14, 2025 Council President
Jul 14, 2026 County Executive
Jul 14, 2026 County Executive
Jul 14, 2025 County Executive
Jul 14, 2026 County Executive
Jul 14, 2025 County Executive
Jul 14, 2024 County Executive
Jul 14, 2024 County Executive


Date Title Files
12/10/2024 12/10/24 - CACE meeting
9/25/2024 09/25/24 - CACE meeting
6/20/2024 06/20/24 - CACE meeting
3/15/2024 03/15/24 - CACE meeting

View By Year
