Debarment Review Board

Contact Information:

Roland DeMonte
2079 E. 9th Street, 4th Floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Description of Board and Responsibilities:

This five-member board reviews decisions rendered by the Cuyahoga County Inspector General concerning vendors who seek to perform work on behalf of Cuyahoga County. A vendor may be precluded from doing business with Cuyahoga County (debarred) if it has engaged in criminal behavior or other actions, thereby demonstrating a lack of business integrity or honesty that adversely affects its capability to provide goods or services to the County. A vendor may be debarred by the Inspector General for varying lengths of time depending on the Inspector General’s review of the evidence and severity of the infractions. A vendor that is debarred by the Inspector General has a right to appeal the findings to the Debarment Review Board. This board reviews testimony and documents submitted in a debarment process and shall issue opinions concerning the vendor’s ability to provide goods or services to Cuyahoga County.


Apply Now


Board membership is comprised of the following: A person appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court; a member of the Cuyahoga County Council appointed by the Council President; and three citizen members who are appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council. The citizen members must be residents of Cuyahoga County and may not be employed by Cuyahoga County. Preferred qualifications for the appointed citizen members include legal training and/or experience in interpreting contracts, arbitration, and related fields.


Debarment Bylaws

Enabling Legislation:

Meeting Information:

The Debarment Review Board meets as needed to hear appeals and conduct other business at 2:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of the month in the County Headquarters building located at 2079 E. Ninth Street, 4th Floor - Committee Room B, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


Name Term Ends Appointed By/Representation
N/A County Executive
N/A County Executive
Jan 31, 2028 County Executive
N/A County Executive
N/A County Executive


Date Title Files
9/11/2019 091119 CCESAB Communications Committee Meeting

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