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Technical Advisory Committee

Contact Information:

Department of Information Technology
2079 E. 9th St, Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Description of Board and Responsibilities:

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is the recommending body for Information Technology (IT) products and services. TAC serves as the primary forum to ensure that proposed IT related purchases, contracts and services comply with current IT standards and strategy adopted by Cuyahoga County. TAC directs the utilization of technology based on current and emerging industry growth in alignment with the County’s operational, business, and strategic objectives. TAC ensures the adoption of Enterprise Architecture (EA), optimizing technology investments, thereby maximizing the Return on Investment (ROI) and minimizing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The creation, oversight and enforcement of common business practices, solutions, standards, policies, security controls, and overall County IT Strategy. Provide oversight to optimize the performance of critical business processes. Provide information technology knowledge management to leverage intellectual capital across the organization. Provide oversight regarding regulatory and legal compliance requirements.


The TAC membership as initially designated by the IT Chiefs will consist of: Chief Information and Transformation Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Information Security Officer, Health and Human Services Representative, Department of IT - Applications Administrator, Department of IT - Operations, Board of Elections Representative, Common Pleas Court Representative, and Prosecutor’s Office Representative. Each aforementioned agency Administrator, Director or Executive may designate a primary and alternate representative to the TAC. The primary and alternate will have the same recommending approval ability as delegated by the respective agency Administrator, Director or Executive. The designee must be previously approved by the IT Chiefs. The IT Chiefs or their designee will designate a primary or alternate to officiate as the meetings Chairperson conducting meetings. The TAC will provide recommendations to the Board of Control.

Enabling Legislation:

Meeting Information:

Please contact with the subject: PUBLIC TAC MEETING ATTENDANCE and include the phone number or email to obtain the meeting information. Meeting information will only be available to phone numbers or emails provided before the meeting.

Other Useful Links:


Name Term Ends Appointed By/Representation
N/A DoIT Enterprise Applications Representative
N/A DOIT Project Manager Representative
N/A Prosecutor Representative
N/A Common Pleas Representative
N/A Board of Elections Representative
N/A DOIT Infrastructure and Operations
N/A DoIT Web and Applications Development Representative
N/A DOIT HHS Representative
N/A Information Security Officer


Date Title Files
1/16/2025 Technical Advisory Committee Meeting - 1/16/25

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