Cuyahoga County Board of Revision

Formal Tax Complaints

Property owners who want to contest their valuation may file a formal tax complaint with the Board of Revision. The deadline to file is March 31, 2025, 11:59 p.m. This deadline is set by the state and no extensions or exceptions to this deadline can be granted (see O.R.C. 5715.19).

Information Sessions

To learn more about how to file a complaint, join our Fiscal Team at one of these informational sessions:

*All sessions are 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Wed., Feb. 19
Cuyahoga County Public Library – Beachwood
25501 Shaker Boulevard

Wed., March 5
Cuyahoga County Public Library – Parma Powers
6996 Powers Boulevard
Meeting Room A/B

Wed., March 19
Cuyahoga County Public Library – Strongsville
18700 Westwood Drive
Meeting Room

Wed., March 26
Second Missionary Baptist Church
1881 E. 71st Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44103


There are several ways to file a complaint with our office:

  1. The first (and best) way to file a complaint is through the online portal. It is very simple and straightforward. It is the only way to bypass the notary requirement, and you will get a confirmation email almost immediately. And best of all, IT’S COMPLETELY FREE!

    a. You will need a valid email address and phone number.

  2. You can also email your complaint to our office at

    a. This is not the same as e-filing, even though the complaint is being sent electronically. Filing through the e-file portal is the only way to bypass the notary requirement.

    b. You will still need the complaint to be notarized, and a confirmation email is not guaranteed, but this avenue is also free* to file.

    c. *You will be responsible for any notary charges.

  3. You can fax your complaint to 216-443-8282.

    a. You will still need the complaint to be notarized, and you will not receive confirmation, but this avenue is also free* to file.

    b. *You will be responsible for any notary charges.

  4. You can send your complaint in the mail to our office at:

    a. Cuyahoga County Board of Revision 2079
    East 9th Street, Ste. 2-100,
    Cleveland, OH 44115

    i. It is very important to note that any complaint that is mailed to our office MUST be received on or before March 31, 2025, or that it has a United States Postal Service postmark of March 31, 2025, or before. Any other postmark from a private meter company like FedEx, UPS, DHL or Pitney Bowes will not be considered as the date of filing. If your complaint has a private meter postmark and is delivered to our office after March 31 it will not be considered as filed on time.

    b. You will be responsible for all postage and notary charges.

  5. You can file your complaint in person.

    a. The BOR office is open from 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM Monday through Friday (except holidays).

    b. Complaint forms are available, and our staff can answer any questions you may have about the complaint process.

    c. Notaries are usually available and can notarize your complaints free of charge.

    i. NOTARY NOTES: You MUST have YOUR valid ID with you. We will not notarize a document if the person signing the complaint is not present, even if you have their ID, or if the complaint was already signed when it was brought in. If you do not bring your valid ID, we will not be able to notarize your document.

    d. You will receive a time-stamped copy of your complaint before you leave as your confirmation of filing.

    e. You will be responsible for all costs associated with parking or transportation.

The Cuyahoga County Board of Revision is a quasi-judicial body that is tasked with hearing various complaints as dictated by Ohio Revised Code section 5715 and Cuyahoga County Charter Section 6.02.

The main complaints presented before the Board of Revision are Complaints Against the Valuation of Real Property, however the Board also has authority to render decisions on various other complaints as allowed by ORC.

Forms page on a computer screen


Access all state prescribed forms for complaints eligible to be heard before the Cuyahoga County Board of Revision.

View the Forms
wooden houses with blocks that spell out valuation

Valuation Complaint Info

Find helpful information and resources for providing evidence to support your opinion of value.

Learn more about Resources
file of complaints

Search Complaints

Search all closed and pending complaints from 2018 forward. All documents have been scanned for these years.

Search for Complaints

Contact Us



Office Hours:
Mon.-Fri.: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.



Cuyahoga County Admin. HQ
2079 E. 9th Street, Ste. 2-100
Cleveland, OH 44115






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