Delayed Opening Wednesday — Cuyahoga County buildings will open to the public at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 22nd due to the extreme cold weather. See information on Extreme Weather here.

File A Complaint

* Required Field


Your Information

Information About the Business

Information About Your Complaint

How did the transaction begin?

Not sure? Give an approximate date.

Did you sign a contract or other papers?
Was this a full payment?
How did you pay?
*Did you complain to the business?
*Have you referred this matter to another agency, attorney, or court?
Attach relevant documents (contract, receipt, advertisement, etc.)

Document size is limited to 9 mb.

Under State and County laws, complaint information becomes a matter of public record when the case is closed and placed in our inactive files.

I understand that consumer affairs may send a copy of this form and any or all of the enclosed information to the business or to another agency for resolution.

I affirm that all information provided in this complaint is true and factual. I authorize the party(ies) against which I have filed this complaint to communicate with and provide information related to my complaint to the Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs.

*Terms and conditions