Cuyahoga County Launches Study of Future Space Needs

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John Kohlstrand: (216) 698-2099 or
Nicole Dailey Jones: (216) 263-4602, (216)338-0863;

CLEVELAND — Cuyahoga County leaders have selected Cleveland-based Allegro Realty Advisors, Ltd. to conduct a comprehensive analysis of county government’s space needs and develop a plan for the future.

County government currently owns or leases space at approximately four dozen different sites in Cuyahoga County. The fragmented situation exists, in part, because county government was historically operated by a series of independently-elected officials.

With a new charter placing much of county government under a single elected executive and an 11-member Council, County Executive Ed FitzGerald wonders if the opportunity exists to reduce expenses while improving the experience of individuals who interact with the county.

“By consolidating and reorganizing the way we use office space, we may be able to improve the experience of our customers,” FitzGerald said. “Do we have enough parking available? Is mass transit nearby? Can people get their county business done without having to stop at two or three different locations? These are the kind of questions we should be asking.”

Allegro Realty Advisors will survey agencies on their present and future space needs and create a comprehensive inventory of office space currently owned or leased by the county. Based on this information, the company will then present recommendations to the county.

The study is expected to be complete this fall at a cost of $195,050. The study could influence questions including the future of the County Administration Building, located next to the Medical Mart & Convention Center project, and the vacant Ameritrust tower on E. 9th St.

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