Cuyahoga County Sweeps TeamNEO Awards

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Media contact:
Michelle Adams (216) 698‐2544, or
John O’Brien: (216) 698‐2099, or

Cleveland - Cuyahoga County Department of Development was honored with three awards at the recent 2012 Team NEO Economic Development Plus awards held Wednesday, July 27 at LaCentre Conference Center. The Department was recognized for their collaborative projects in the categories of Asset Creation, Business Expansion and Retention (300 + employees), and Public-Private Partnership.

The County received the Business Expansion and Retention Award (300 employees +) for their role in the AmTrust Financial Expansion project. The County contributed a $3,000,000 loan from the newly created Western Reserve Fund to assist with building renovations and improvements. It was the second loan to be issued from the Fund at the time. AmTrust Financial’s expansion will create 750 new jobs creating an additional $37,502,400 in annual payroll.  

The Department also received the Asset Creation award for the Great Lakes Towing Company’s Shipyard Expansion Project and the Public-Private Partnership award for the MidTown Tech Park.  

County Executive Ed FitzGerald stated, “Through hard work and collaborative efforts with local government, non-profit agencies and private companies, Cuyahoga County was able to utilize our resources to ensure the success of these projects. We are honored to be recognized by our peers for these economic development projects.”

Thirteen awards in eleven categories were presented at the award ceremony.

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