Census Bureau Estimates Show Dramatic Improvements in Cuyahoga County Population Loss

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Media contacts:
Nicole Dailey Jones: 216.263.4602 or ndjones@cuyahogacounty.us 
John O'Brien: 216.698.2099 or jfobrien@cuyahogacounty.us 

CLEVELAND – According to the 2012 population estimates released by the US Census Bureau today, Cuyahoga County’s rate of population loss improved to the smallest annual decline in 15 years. 

From July 2011 to July 2012, the county population contracted only 0.38%, the slowest rate since 1996, and only half the average annual rate of 0.73%. 

International immigration contributed to the upswing as a 5% gain brought the net number of new arrivals to 2,920. That represents the largest community of new immigrants in Ohio outside Franklin County, which benefits from a sizeable population of foreign-exchange students at Ohio State. 

But the bulk of the improvement arose out of a dramatic shift of domestic emigration. A net 30% fewer people moved out of Cuyahoga County in the twelve month period ending in July. 

“While a loss of any size is still unacceptable,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald, “we can clearly see that our regional economic position is being righted and the exodus from the housing crisis coming to an end. As the Global Center for Health Innovations and the other major public and private investments made in this county the past few years come online, I believe we’re going to see this upswing continue even into population gains.”

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