Loan Recipient, NSL Analytical Services, Inc., Host Open House & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

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Media contacts:  
Jeane’ Holley: (216) 698‐2544 or

CLEVELAND – On Thursday, May 16, 2013, NSL Analytical Services, Inc. will host an open house and ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of their new facility in Warrensville Heights, Ohio. NSL Analytical received a loan from Cuyahoga County’s Western Reserve Fund in the amount of $566,312.00, which assisted with financing a freestanding 11,000 square foot facility, building renovation and test equipment.

“The Western Reserve Fund, along with other county resources, seeks to assist businesses just like NSL with their plans to expand, create jobs, and build our economy,” said County Executive Ed FitzGerald. “We recognize the importance of working with our existing businesses to help them grow and thrive in place, right here in Cuyahoga County.”

Originally incorporated in 1945 as National Spectrographics Laboratories, NSL Analytical Services is a privately owned independent testing laboratory. NSL’s analytical testing services include a wide range of analytical testing capabilities for failure analysis, product testing, and material selection. Some of the materials tested by NSL include; metals and alloys, plastics and composites, and ceramic materials whether in powder, solid, or liquid state. The new facility has allowed NSL Analytical to expand and consolidate their testing operations so that they can continue to serve their customers throughout the United States and worldwide.

As part of the loan agreement, NSL Analytical signed a Workforce Cooperation agreement with the Cuyahoga County’s Department of Workforce Development (dba Employment Connection), to create 19 jobs over the next 3 years. These 19 jobs will include scientists, managers, sales, support staff and non‐technical staff. NSL Analytical currently employs 64 full‐time employees.  NSL Analytical must also remain in Cuyahoga County for the term of the loan.

Cuyahoga County’s Western Reserve Fund is a first‐of‐its‐kind initiative designed to deliver jobs and prosperity to Greater Cleveland. The Fund is structured as a revolving loan fund that provides gap financing to job creating and job retaining projects in the county. The overarching goal of the Fund is simple: make $100 million dollars available to spur county job creation and economic growth.

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