Budish and Members of Council to Co-Sponsor Cuyahoga Arts and Culture Levy Legislation
Emily Lundgard, (216) 348-4395
Trevor McAleer, (216) 698-6472
CLEVELAND – Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish and Members of County Council announced today that they will co-sponsor legislation to place an extension of the Cuyahoga Arts and Culture Levy on the ballot.
“The arts play a critical role in any thriving community,” said Budish. “In Cuyahoga County, we are a national model in terms of our appreciation and support of arts and culture. Institutions like the Cleveland Orchestra, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Institute of Art, and many others are world-class and represent some of our most meaningful assets, making our region a great place to live, work, and play. I am proud to continue that support and co-sponsor this legislation alongside my Council colleagues.”
The Cuyahoga Arts and Culture District makes grants to support the operating and capital expenses of arts and cultural organizations located throughout the County. Passage of this levy would provide a secure source of funding to support the operations, programs and services of the County’s arts and culture community.
“I am pleased to be joining my fellow colleagues as well as Executive Budish in co-sponsoring the legislation to put the extension of the levy on the November General Election ballot,” said Cuyahoga County Council President Dan Brady. “Public support for arts and culture is a critical part of Cuyahoga County’s revival. Without the levy, the Arts & Culture Board wouldn’t have been able to provide over $125 million in grants to hundreds of non-profit organizations since 2008.”
The legislation would authorize Cuyahoga County, subject to the approval of voters, to continue to levy a County tax of 1-½ cents, or $0.015 per cigarette, for an additional 10 years. If this legislation is approved by County Council, the levy question would be before voters at this upcoming General Election on November 3, 2015.
At this time, the current co-sponsors of the legislation include County Executive Budish, Council President Dan Brady, Council Vice-President Pernel Jones, Jr., and Councilmembers Dave Greenspan, Charles M. Germana, Michael J. Gallagher, Yvonne M. Conwell, and Sunny M. Simon.
The legislation is scheduled for first reading at Council’s regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 28th at 5:00 PM in the C. Ellen Connally Council Chambers located at 2079 East Ninth Street – 4th Floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.
Emily Lundgard, (216) 348-4395
Trevor McAleer, (216) 698-6472
CLEVELAND – Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish and Members of County Council announced today that they will co-sponsor legislation to place an extension of the Cuyahoga Arts and Culture Levy on the ballot.
“The arts play a critical role in any thriving community,” said Budish. “In Cuyahoga County, we are a national model in terms of our appreciation and support of arts and culture. Institutions like the Cleveland Orchestra, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Institute of Art, and many others are world-class and represent some of our most meaningful assets, making our region a great place to live, work, and play. I am proud to continue that support and co-sponsor this legislation alongside my Council colleagues.”
The Cuyahoga Arts and Culture District makes grants to support the operating and capital expenses of arts and cultural organizations located throughout the County. Passage of this levy would provide a secure source of funding to support the operations, programs and services of the County’s arts and culture community.
“I am pleased to be joining my fellow colleagues as well as Executive Budish in co-sponsoring the legislation to put the extension of the levy on the November General Election ballot,” said Cuyahoga County Council President Dan Brady. “Public support for arts and culture is a critical part of Cuyahoga County’s revival. Without the levy, the Arts & Culture Board wouldn’t have been able to provide over $125 million in grants to hundreds of non-profit organizations since 2008.”
The legislation would authorize Cuyahoga County, subject to the approval of voters, to continue to levy a County tax of 1-½ cents, or $0.015 per cigarette, for an additional 10 years. If this legislation is approved by County Council, the levy question would be before voters at this upcoming General Election on November 3, 2015.
At this time, the current co-sponsors of the legislation include County Executive Budish, Council President Dan Brady, Council Vice-President Pernel Jones, Jr., and Councilmembers Dave Greenspan, Charles M. Germana, Michael J. Gallagher, Yvonne M. Conwell, and Sunny M. Simon.
The legislation is scheduled for first reading at Council’s regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 28th at 5:00 PM in the C. Ellen Connally Council Chambers located at 2079 East Ninth Street – 4th Floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.