Budish Welcomes HIMSS Connectathon Attendees to Cuyahoga County

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Emily Lundgard, (216) 348-4395

Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish, who will attend today’s Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Connectathon at the Global Center for Health Innovation, issued the following statement:

“I am delighted to welcome health care professionals, engineers, and information technology specialists from around the globe to Cuyahoga County for the HIMSS Connectathon. Northeast Ohio has firmly established itself as the Silicon Valley of health care innovation. I cannot think of a better venue for this event than our Global Center for Health Innovation – the only facility in the world that highlights the future of health care technology and innovation.

This important conference will bring together hundreds of experts to explore the future of health care and test the interoperability of health care technology. I am looking forward to meeting attendees and discussing the cutting edge work we do here in Cuyahoga County.

HIMSS is the premier health care information organization, and we look forward to partnering with HIMSS and its members as we open the portal to connecting in the 21st century.”

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