Budish Officially Declares June 22nd Cavs Day for Cuyahoga County

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Jeane’ Holley: (216) 698-2544, jholley@cuyahogacounty.us

Cleveland – Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish officially declares Wednesday, June 22nd, Cleveland Cavaliers Day, throughout Cuyahoga County, in honor of the 2016 National Basketball Association (NBA) World Champions.

“This is truly an historic occasion for Cuyahoga County. Our Cavs showed tremendous grit and determination with their record breaking win. It’s that same grit and perseverance that is in all of our DNA,” said Budish. “As LeBron so famously said, ‘In Northeast Ohio, nothing is given. Everything is earned.’ And so I am declaring this Cavs day throughout the county because our Cavs have earned it for all of us.”

Cuyahoga County is honored to support and take part in celebrating the Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 NBA Championship.

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