Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish Urges the State to Restore Millions of Dollars in Devastating Budget Cuts

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Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521 or

CLEVELAND – Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish is urging the Ohio legislature to fix imminent budget cuts of $50 million that will result in catastrophic reductions to critically needed services for the residents of the region.

Due primarily to massive cuts to Medicaid managed care sales tax revenues, the County will lose approximately $30 million per year and the Regional Transit Authority will lose close to $20 million per year.

“These cuts could not come at a worse time, with the opioid epidemic straining already tight resources for addiction, foster care, public safety, and county coroner services,” said Armond Budish. “Just as we’re gaining traction putting people to work, cuts to the Greater Cleveland RTA will have a terrible impact on the ability of workers to get to and from their employment.”

Senator Matt Dolan (R -Chagrin Falls) has championed an amendment that would provide a replacement for the budget cuts. The other members of the state legislature for Northeast Ohio have also provided key support.

“Please urge your state officials to support Senator Dolan’s amendment to ensure that the state budget does not slash funding for our critical services. If not fixed, these budget cuts would cause great harm to the residents of Cuyahoga County,” said Budish.

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