Inspector General Earns National Recognition

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Jeane’ Holley, (216) 698-2544;

Cuyahoga County, Ohio – Cuyahoga County Inspector General Mark Griffin will join the board of directors for the Association of Inspectors General. Griffin is one of 15 people elected to the board and will serve a three-year term, beginning January 1, 2018. The official results will be announced at the Association's Annual Board of Directors meeting taking place on Tuesday November 14, 2017 in Austin, TX. 

The Association of Inspectors General is a national organization that promotes public accountability and integrity in the prevention, investigation, detection, elimination, and prosecution of fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption in government. The Association provides standards and best practices for Inspectors General offices across the county as well as training and licenses for its members. Six employees in the Cuyahoga County Agency of Inspector General hold memberships in the association.  

“The Inspector General’s work in Cuyahoga County keeps the promise of our new form of government, to be open, honest and accessible to all citizens.  Mr. Griffin himself is the embodiment of those values and I’m thrilled he’s representing our community on a national stage” said County Executive Armond Budish.  

“This will be a great opportunity to showcase the work of Cuyahoga County and to be active on a national level” said Griffin.  “I think it is recognition of the progress that we have made since the reorganization of County Government as well as the commitment by the County Executive and County Council.”  

The Cuyahoga County Agency of the Inspector General was created in 2011 to strengthen the County with a commitment to promote ethical conduct by County officials, employees, and contractors. In steering away from the former days of widespread County corruption, the County’s Inspector General has challenged over $6 million dollars in delinquent loans, initiated 57 debarments of contractors for unethical behavior, identified County contractors with unpaid taxes, and worked to promote a culture of compliance to guide the County in meeting the highest ethical standards. 

More recently, the County’s Agency of Inspector General, comprised of licensed attorneys, certified fraud examiners, auditors and law enforcement professionals, has been recognized by the U.S. State Department for its efforts to confront government corruption. The U.S. State Department has invited delegations from Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Columbia, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Angola, Tunisia and other countries to visit Cuyahoga County to learn how the County has responded to government corruption and its efforts to prevent a similar recurrence.

The Cuyahoga County Agency of Inspector General was established by the County Executive and County Council to protect taxpayers’ interests by promoting honesty and accountability in County government. For more information, visit

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