Treasurer’s Office Open Saturday December 30, 2017

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Jeane’ Holley: (216)698-2544/(216)640-0821 or

The Cuyahoga County Treasurer’s Office will be open on Saturday, December 30th, from the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for individuals wishing to make payments on their property tax bills.

Cuyahoga County Administrative Headquarters - Treasurer’s Office
2079 East Ninth Street, First Floor
Cleveland, Oh 44115

Individuals and businesses also have the ability to pay taxes online on or before December 31, 2017 at midnight, to receive credit for payments completed in 2017.

Taxpayers interested in making a payment before the year end, please visit to view your bill and pay online.

For a detailed list of options and additional information for submitting payment for property taxes, please visit

County offices will be closed on Sunday, December 31, 2017 and Monday, January 1, 2018.

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