Fatherhood Initiative Sustains Critical Impact for Families

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Deonna Kirkpatrick: (216) 432-3342 or deonna.kirkpatrick@jfs.ohio.gov

Over $700,000 funded, over 6,000 fathers served

CLEVELAND – Cuyahoga County Executive Budish and the Fatherhood Initiative announced funding of over $700,000 to 10 different programs and organizations in Cuyahoga County that serve and promote positive healthy father -child relationships and reduce challenges that impact the well-being of a family.

“Research tells us that good fathering has a profound impact on children and I want to ensure that fathers in Cuyahoga County have access to quality programs,” said County Executive Budish. “Thanks to our partnership support, we are able to provide these programs to any dad in the county and we’re so proud to offer it as a way to help strengthen families.”

The fatherhood initiative serves approximately 6,000 fathers and teens per year. The mission is to increase the number of fathers who are involved in nurturing and raising their children. The following contract awards are a result of continuing partnerships. New for 2018 is the Dad’s Count Program at the new Children’s Museum where male caregivers from Cuyahoga County and their immediate families can attend the museum for free, 10 AM – 5 PM the 3rd Saturday of every month (excluding June and December 2018).

Fatherhood Initiative 2018 Funding Awards:

Infant Mortality Focused
  • $44,000 - Bootcamp for New Dads; MetroHealth, program facilitator of a (9) county-wide hospital network

Workforce Development Focused
  • $100,000 - Network 4 Success Fatherhood Program at Towards Employment
  • $100,000 - Jobs for Dads Program at Passages Connecting Fathers and Sons Inc.
  • $100,000 - Rising Above Program at the Career Development and Placement Strategies

Healthy Father-Child Relationship Focused
  • $123,000 - Supervised Visitation Program at the Domestic Violence and Advocacy Center
  • $30,000 - Dad’s Count Program at the Children’s Museum
  • $83,000 - Families and Fathers Together at the Center for Families and Children
  • $52,000 - Healthy Fathering Program at the University Settlement House
  • $70,000 - Prevent Premature Fatherhood Program at the County Board of Health
  • $60,000 - Strong Fathers Program at Murtis Taylor