Review of Cuyahoga County Contract Process Requested by Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish

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Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521;

The County Internal Audit Department Has Been Asked to Assess the Current Process on Identifying Potential Conflicts of Interest with County Employees and County Contracts.

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – The County Executive has asked the Director of Internal Auditing to conduct an assessment of the current process on identifying potential conflicts of interest. This assessment, with assistance from the Inspector General, could result in a thorough review of county contracts in order to look for any indications of fraud, conflicts of interest, self-dealing or other wrong-doing.

According to the Cuyahoga County Charter, the Internal Auditing Department reports to the Audit Committee, a separate, independent committee comprised of Council President as well as four other citizen-members with expertise in auditing, accounting, financial reporting and government operations. The County Executive and his Fiscal Officer, Dennis Kennedy, serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

“As I have said before, we must do everything we can to protect the integrity of the county government and maintain the public trust. For that reason, I am asking the internal auditor to review the county procurement processes for any weaknesses that could open the door to wrongdoing and to recommend best practices to strengthen procedures, including the expanded reporting of potential conflicts of interest by county employees, and then consider utilizing the information to review every contract the county has entered into in the last three years to look for any indications of fraud, conflicts of interest, double dealing, or other wrongdoing,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “I will not tolerate any bad behavior in this administration.” 

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