Statement Regarding Health and Human Services Levy

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Mary Louise Madigan, (216) 698-2521;

CLEVELAND – Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish issued the following statement:

“Our county is making great progress. We are facing our challenges and tackling them head on, whether it’s quality health care, pre-kindergarten education, infant mortality, or the opioid crisis. To continue our great progress, we will be asking the citizens of Cuyahoga County to support a renewal of the Health and Human Services Levy. The renewal means no increase, no impact on your taxes for the next four years.   It means we will work even harder to do more with what we have, to continue the services and supports for children, for seniors and anyone in the county who may need help. 

The people of Cuyahoga County have demonstrated their compassion and generosity by supporting the levy for years, assuring that anyone in any municipality, within any zip code, of any race, religion or gender, has access to the services that strengthen our residents and prepare people to support themselves and their families.

The legislation that Council President Brady and I are bringing before Council does two things: it declares the necessity of asking the voters to renew the levy, and, it allows us to put it on the ballot for consideration on the May 8th primary election.  I ask for your support.”

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