Volunteers Needed for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Coalition

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Jeane’ Holley, (216) 698-2544; jholley@cuyahogacounty.us

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - Cuyahoga County and the Cuyahoga Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Coalition will be hosting free tax preparation services as part of the federal Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. While volunteers are needed at all of the tax sites, the following are County VITA sites, Old Brooklyn Family Service Center, 4261 Fulton Parkway, Cleveland, Ohio 44144; and the Department of Senior and Adult Services, 13815 Kinsman Rd, Cleveland, Ohio 44120.

Volunteer tax preparers gain valuable knowledge of the tax law system and non-profit organizations. This volunteer opportunity offers a chance to work in a team environment while building your resumé. Come and join us, get free training and help serve the community. One hour of your time could be worth $6,000 to a low-wage worker; help bring millions into Cuyahoga County’s economy; and save our filers more than $1,000,000 in tax preparation fees.

Last year the Cuyahoga EITC Coalition completed 15,684 federal tax returns and refunds totaling over $25.3 million were put back into the pockets of low and moderate-income families and spent in the local economy.

Local community volunteers are the backbone of the program. There are several different ways for volunteers to participate: greet customers, prepare tax returns, act as tax site coordinators, or offer interpretation/translation services. Beginner volunteer tax preparers can attend FREE in-person or online training. All beginner tax preparers are required to pass an ethics test and basic tax law test prior to volunteering. Community members who want to volunteer can register online at www.refundohio.org, or contact Chuck Ackerman at the Cuyahoga EITC coalition at 216-436-2000 or cackerman@refundohio.org.

Tax-payers can schedule a free appointment by calling 2-1-1. Your return will be screened for eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit. For more information, please visit www.refundohio.org.

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