Closing the Achievement Gap Initiative Expands to Cleveland and East Cleveland School Districts

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Miranda Pomiecko, (216) 698-2546; 

Cuyahoga County, OH – Cuyahoga County has stepped up programming to help at-risk youth do better in school, stay out of trouble, and prepare for careers. Through the Family and Children First Council, the County has increased funding for the Students of Promise (SOP)/Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG) from $444,523 to $759,373 and has expanded this initiative to both the Cleveland and East Cleveland School Districts.

“Our goal is to ensure every student stays in school and has the support needed to graduate high school ready for post-secondary completion and career success,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish. “Closing the Achievement Gap provides social, emotional, and academic support to students in a structured and interactive learning environment where students have a better opportunity at reaching their highest potential.”

Closing the Achievement Gap currently serves youth in the Cleveland Heights/University Heights, Warrensville Heights, Maple Heights, and Garfield Heights School Districts. East Cleveland will begin with the expansion of the program to Shaw High School, and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District will expand the program to target female students in both Glenville and East Tech high schools.

“As a County Councilman, I remain committed to supporting constructive learning opportunities for the youth in our communities which in part will help them avoid destructive activities and ultimately propel them forward to a brighter future,” stated Cuyahoga County Councilman Pernel Jones Jr.

A total of 241 students in the ninth through twelfth grades were enrolled during the 2016-17 academic year.

An evaluation study was recently completed by The Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education at the Case Western Reserve University Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences. The study identified and compared grade point averages (GPA), disciplinary actions, attendance, and measured development assets profile data to determine the effectiveness of the Students of Promise CTAG initiative. Data from the study shows a steady increase in student GPAs as well as graduation rates further attesting to the resounding success of the program since its implementation.

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