Climate Change Action Plan Tackles Key Focus Areas for Change in Cuyahoga County

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Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; 

Wide-Ranging Plan Summarizes Efforts of Over 30 Agencies

— County Executive Armond Budish has released the Climate Change Action Plan, which identifies five key focus areas to help achieve the County’s goal of mitigating the effects of climate change and adapting to an already changing climate.

The five key focus areas and the County’s goals are:
  • Energy—Implement 100 percent renewable energy by 2050
  • Transportation—Cleaner fuel vehicles; more public transit, biking and walking
  • Natural Systems—Further protect and expand our natural systems and resources
  • Health—Prepare the public for extreme weather, new diseases and new stresses
  • Land Use—Initiate wise development, more trees and more greenspace

“Climate change is both a global and local problem, and the effects are visible here in Cuyahoga County,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “Our Climate Change Action Plan is a comprehensive look at how we can stop or slow the effects of climate change, and in areas that we cannot stop these effects, how to be more resilient.”

The plan covers solutions to combat the overarching effects of climate change as well as specific strategies the County is committed to achieving and tangible ways residents, businesses and community members can work to implement more sustainable practices.

“Every day there seems to be a new report detailing a different aspect of the dangers of climate change,” said Director of Sustainability, Mike Foley. “Inaction is not an option anymore. Local governments have to step up and make real change. This plan is a solid and actionable first step to help us lead the way in Ohio toward needed change.”

The Climate Change Action Plan also includes four next steps that will be completed in the next year. These include working to receive input and advice from the public, developing a County-wide Climate Council, continuing data collection that will be published annually, and developing a framework and campaign for the creation of funding streams that can continuously support sustainable initiatives.

Also included in the Climate Change Action Plan is information on the county’s Vulnerability Assessment, which addresses climate-related hazards to the county, as well as how those threats might affect different sub-populations within the County.

“Climate change is happening and its effects have consequences to our health, safety and quality of life,” said County Planning Commission Interim Director & Manager, Susan Infeld. “By studying both physically and socially vulnerable populations, we can more effectively determine how climate change specifically affects certain demographics and environments.”

“We are excited to have been asked to be participants and co-creators of the Cuyahoga County Climate Change Action Plan,” said Cuyahoga County Board of Health Watershed Program Manager, Robert Brand. “The harmful human impacts of climate change are both predictable and inevitable. It is incumbent upon us as public health officials and county stewards to do all that we can to protect our residents, resources and ecosystems not only today, but well into the future. We look forward to the implementation and collaboration that is sure to follow the release of this groundbreaking plan.”

The Climate Change Action Plan can be found on the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission website.

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