Department of Workforce Development Awarded $1.3 Million Grant to Serve Dislocated Workers

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Miranda Pomiecko: (216) 698-2546; 

CLEVELAND – The Cuyahoga County Department of Workforce Development has been awarded a $1.3 million Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act National Dislocated Worker Grant to serve local dislocated workers. The grant will meet the increased demand for employment and training services with a purpose to reemploy laid off workers and enhance their employability and earnings.

“One of our top priorities is to ensure every resident is on a path to upward income mobility and career advancement,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish. “This funding will provide job placement services to 200 eligible participants in our region who have been affected by job loss to get them back on a sustainable career path in high-growth industries.”

Services under this grant are free and will be provided by Ohio Means Jobs| Cleveland-Cuyahoga County. Services include: outreach to and recruitment of participants and employers; enrollment of participants into the National Dislocated Worker grant program; training and supportive services; placement into occupations in high-growth industries; and close monitoring and collection of documentation. The focus of jobs will be on the growth occupations in the following industries: transportation and logistics; information technology; financial services; advanced manufacturing; and healthcare.

“Businesses are looking for talented workers to fill good, open jobs in the Cleveland area, and we want to connect laid-off jobseekers with these opportunities,” stated Grace Kilbane, Executive Director of Ohio Means Jobs| Cleveland-Cuyahoga County. “This service is another great example of how we are working to assist residents in moving toward financial independence through employment.”

For more information, please call Ohio Means Jobs| Cleveland-Cuyahoga County at 216-777-8200.

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