Partnership with Enerlogics Solar, Third Sun Solar and Solar United Neighbors Helps Further Solar Deployments

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Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; 

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH — Cuyahoga County continues to spearhead solar deployments in Northeast Ohio. The County recently approved the power purchase agreement (PPA) for solar to be deployed on the rooftop of three County-owned buildings: the Medical Examiner’s Office in Cleveland, the Animal Shelter in Valley View, and the Harvard Road Garage in Newburgh Heights. The Aggregated Solar Program enables these three buildings to produce around 10 percent of the facilities’ power needs, reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 940 tons and can help achieve over $1 million of lifetime savings versus utility costs.

Under the Aggregated Solar Program, Youngstown-based Enerlogics Solar and Athens-based Third Sun Solar were selected through a competitive bid process as the developer and installation teams.

This competitive bid includes a cooperative purchasing agreement, which enables other municipalities, schools and non-profits to participate in the program without separate competitive bids. Cuyahoga County’s Department of Sustainability as well as Enerlogics Solar are actively working with various County municipalities and school districts to evaluate new projects under the rooftop solar program. Examples of likely buildings where savings could occur include recreation centers, service garages and schools, where the building owner is paying more than 10 c/kWh in electricity costs. The program’s PPA structure enables these facilities to save as much as 20 percent compared to current utility costs.

“Solar power is a great way to have a local impact on climate change here in Cuyahoga County,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “Our partnership with Enerlogics Solar, Third Sun Solar and Solar United Neighbors allows us to help both residents and the County save money while also leading change through our commitment to sustainable practices.”

Municipalities interested in becoming involved with the Solar Co-Op can contact Mike Foley, Cuyahoga County Director of Sustainability, at 216-443-3055 or

Cuyahoga County has also launched the third round of the Cuyahoga County Solar Co-Op Program in conjunction with Solar United Neighbors. This program enables county residents to cooperatively purchase solar equipment and installations at a reduced cost. Over the last two years the co-op has helped 90 homeowners go solar and collectively save around $1 million and reduce carbon emissions by 8,000 tons.

These programs follow the successful construction of the Brooklyn Solar Project on a former landfill in Brooklyn, Ohio. This four-megawatt project provides locally-produced solar energy to County buildings via an interconnection agreement with Cleveland Public Power and used Ohio-based companies for all elements of development.

Collectively, these three programs demonstrate the County’s commitment to sustainability and locally-generated solar power.

“We are excited to work with the County to bring low-cost solar to the County-based entities,” said President of Enerlogics Solar, Scott Ameduri. “The program’s PPA structure enables facilities to achieve significant cost savings through on-site solar with no out-of-pocket costs.”

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