Budish's Statement on DeWine’s New State Inspection Protocol for Ohio Jails

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Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; mlmadigan@cuyahogacounty.us 

CLEVELAND – Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish issued the following statement:

“I welcome Governor Mike DeWine’s increased focus on the jail. I spoke with his Chief of Staff Laurel Pressler Dawson about the changes in State inspections and let her know that I appreciate this policy. We welcome the opportunity to work with the State to continuously improve conditions at the jail.

Since the Federal Marshal’s report, which I requested, we have made steady and significant progress including reducing red-zoning and overcrowding and increasing staffing. And we signed a new contract with MetroHealth to take over the healthcare in the jail.

Just last week, our new jail administrator Ronda Gibson started with us. Gibson is an experienced administrator, and she will work closely with state inspectors to make improvements to our jail.”

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