Forbes Names Cuyahoga County One of Ohio's Best Employers

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Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; 

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH — Cuyahoga County has been named by Forbes as one of Ohio’s best places to work.

Out of the thousands of private, non-profit and public employers in Ohio with at least 500 employees, our Cuyahoga County government was ranked 43rd. And our County government was second among all local, state and federal governments, behind only the U.S. Defense Department.

The rankings were derived by surveys administered in a series of anonymous online panels and provide a representative sample of the U.S. workforce. The survey was conducted from October 2018 until February 2019 through Statista, a market research company.

Employees were asked more than 30 detailed questions about working conditions, salary, potential for development and company image regarding their current employer. The rate of agreement/disagreement regarding the statements was measured on a five-point Likert scale. Employees were also asked to rate their willingness to recommend their employers to family and friends on a scale from zero to 10. Participants were then asked to evaluate how they perceived other employers in their respective industries.

“We strive to make County government a great place to work, and we are thrilled with this recognition,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “When our employees like their jobs, our customers—the public—get better service.”

Other prominent Ohio companies also listed as best employers in Ohio include University Hospitals, Cleveland Clinic, Procter and Gamble, Progressive Insurance, Sherwin-Williams and The Ohio State University.

“Whether it’s protecting vulnerable children or seniors, making sure people in need get the health care, food and cash benefits they’re entitled to, working in our jails or maintaining our bridges and roads, these are tough jobs, and our employees work very hard,” said Chief Talent Officer, Douglas Dykes. “This award really is due to the great work they do every day.”

For a complete list of the companies awarded throughout Ohio, visit the Forbes award page.

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