Cedar Point Road Bridge Rehabilitation

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Devyn Giannetti: (216) 443-8393; dgiannetti@cuyahogacounty.us 

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – The Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works proposes to rehabilitate the deficient Cedar Point Road Bridge over the Rocky River in the City of North Olmsted. The historic bridge is located within the Cleveland Metroparks Rocky River Reservation. The existing bridge is a three-span, ribbed, reinforced concrete rigid frame structure, originally constructed in 1929 and rehabilitated in 1975. The work will include replacing the bridge deck, patching of interior beams and all deficient substructure surfaces located above the normal low water level, replacement of all exterior beams, installation of passive cathodic protections (technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface), and replacement of approach slabs.

A minor amount of temporary right-of-way is required for this project to allow access to the bridge for construction. The bridge will be closed during construction and vehicular traffic will be maintained via detour. Construction is scheduled to begin fall 2020 and will last approximately 10 months.

The project will restrict access to Rocky River Reservation in the vicinity of the bridge and require approximately 0.47 acres of temporary right-of-way from the Reservation. Access will be maintained throughout construction to the Little Cedar Point Picnic Area on the west side of the bridge and to the All-Purpose Trail and Bridle Trail on the east side of the bridge.

Rocky River Reservation is a recognized Section 4(f) property in accordance with 23 CFR 774 and is provided protection from adverse impacts due to federal-aid transportation projects. Rocky River Reservation is also a recognized Section 6(f) property, meaning some features of the Reservation were developed using National Park Service (NPS) Land and Water Conservation Funds under Grant #39-0944. Therefore, the project impacts will be subject to associated restrictions and limitations.

The County has coordinated the project’s involvement with Rocky River Reservation Officials and will implement measures to minimize the impacts to the recreational property. The Cleveland Metroparks have concurred that the project will not adversely affect the protected recreational activities, features, or attributes with these resources.

The County is seeking public input regarding the effects on the Rocky River Reservation and the project in general. Questions and/or comments regarding this project may be directed to Lori Birschbach-Tober, PE 4, at 2079 East Ninth Street, 5th floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 or 216-348-3800. Comments will be received through October 30, 2019.

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for these projects are being or have been carried out by ODOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated June 6, 2018 and executed by FHWA and ODOT.

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