Enforcement of Plastic Bag Ban Moving to January 1

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Devyn Giannetti: (216) 225-9813; dgiannetti@cuyahogacounty.us 

Change from July 1 to January 1 Comes During Uncertain Situations for Grocers and Businesses Stemming From COVID-19 Pandemic

– Pending Council approval, Cuyahoga County is moving its enforcement of the plastic bag ban from July 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021.

In the wake of coronavirus, many businesses, particularly grocery stores, are facing uncertain situations. The County’s suggested delay of enforcement is aimed to help businesses during this difficult time while knowing that residents and shoppers are doing all they can to get in and out of stores as quickly as possible to limit the spread of the virus.

“The delay of this ban is not to downplay the importance of eliminating plastic bags and the positive impact that will have on our community, but rather to address current anxieties and relieve concerns some are having during this pandemic,” said County Councilwoman, Sunny Simon, sponsor of the ban. “Right now, moving the enforcement date to January 1 is in the best interest of our businesses and our residents.”

The County may reassess the enforcement date again later in the year based on the coronavirus climate and adjust accordingly. More information on the guidelines of the plastic bag ban and frequently asked questions can be found on the BYOBag website.

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