Statement Regarding House Bill 860

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Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; 

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - County Executive Armond Budish issued the following statement:

“The right to vote is the centerpiece of our democracy. People in this country have given their lives for the right to vote. The People of Cuyahoga County affirmed the importance of the right to vote in the Charter. Unfortunately, The Ohio House will be voting on a bill today to make it much harder. The introduced version of Ohio State House Bill 860 which is being fast-tracked through the House is a clear attempt to make voting in the November election (and any election moving forward) more difficult.

“This upcoming election may be the most important in our lifetimes. There’s no denying that a lot is riding on the outcome.

“Our country and the world is currently in the throes of massive protests which reflect real and absolutely justified frustration with our institutions and practices which have led to significant differences as to how people of color are treated.

“Voting is a critical right for all of us and one of the best ways that we can make change happen. As part of the County’s charter, we are tasked with making sure that there is a fair and equitable voting process and that everyone, no matter their political affiliation has the right to vote.

“Here is how HB 860 will make it harder for you to vote:

“It would eliminate in-person early voting on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday before the election, something that’s been in place in Ohio since 2015.

“The state would not mail an unsolicited absentee ballot application to all registered voters which means that this is the first presidential election since 2008 in which the state registered voters wouldn’t get this kind of outreach.

"This bill goes against Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s plan. Secretary LaRose has, in the face of the pandemic, actually sought to increase access to voting, not make it more difficult.

“We cannot let this stand. The House is voting on this this afternoon.

“This legislation makes voting harder, not easier. Call or email your representative and tell them to vote NO on HB 680:
  • Call House Speaker Larry Householder (614) 466-2500
  • Call Your State Representative
  • Call the bill sponsor: Rep. Cindy Abrams (614) 466-9091”

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