Deadline for Real Estate Tax Collection Extended to January 28, 2021

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Miranda Kortan: (216) 698-2546;

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - The 2020 first half real estate tax deadline has been extended by one week to January 28, 2021. The deadline is being extended due to concerns that the postal service may not get tax bills to taxpayers in a timely manner. Bills will be mailed the week of January 4th, but tax bills can be viewed online now.

“We are concerned that the postal service will not deliver real estate tax bills to County residents in a timely manner, therefore, we are extending the deadline,” said Cuyahoga County Treasurer W. Christopher Murray II. “We are encouraging people to view and pay their tax bill online or through one of our other recommended payment options, including by mail, by phone, or through the drop box located to the right of the main entrance of the County Administrative Headquarters.”

For a safe and secure way to pay your taxes, the Cuyahoga County Treasury Department encourages taxpayers to utilize either of the following recommended payment methods:

  • By Mail: Mail your check or money order and the bottom portion of your tax bill
  • Online: Pay by e-check or credit/debit card
  • By Phone: Call 1-800-272-9829 to pay by credit/debit card for Spanish speaking: 1-800-487-4567
  • Drop Box: Located at the County Administrative Headquarters 2079 E. 9th St., Cleveland, OH, for check or money order payments (Right-Hand Side of Main Entrance).

Taxpayers can still pay by cash, check, money order, credit and debit card in the Cashier Department located on the first floor of the County Administrative Headquarters. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

However, there are a few key items to know before paying in-person:

  • Visitors will be screened prior to entering
  • Face masks are required
  • You will be asked to maintain 6’ social distance
  • There will be limited occupancy in the building

If taxpayers are experiencing difficulties with making their payment, they should contact the County Treasurer at (216) 443-7420 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or email

In addition, other services are currently available to taxpayers including the Easy Pay program that allows advance payments on a monthly or quarterly payment. Please refer to the Cuyahoga County Treasurer website for further details.

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