Citizens’ Advisory Council on Equity Releases Status Report to Community

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Devyn Giannetti: (216) 225-9813; 

Report Offers Preliminary Findings and Recommendations for Implementation Across County Systems

— The Cuyahoga County Citizens’ Advisory Council on Equity (CACE) has completed its initial “Citizens’ Advisory Council on Equity: A Status Report to the Community”, containing an abundance of findings, recommendations and aspirations regarding how best to combat structural racism in Cuyahoga County.

The CACE organized into four subcommittees to more effectively and more deeply address specific areas of disparity. The report contains extensive write-ups from each subcommittee detailing their key focus areas, the work done within these focus areas, and their findings and recommendations.

Much of the CACE’s work focused on research regarding local and national strategies, initiatives and models. The four subcommittees conducted dozens of interviews with County leadership and examined current County government processes and services.

“This status report is a crucial step in our efforts to make Cuyahoga County a more equitable place, where all people can thrive,” said Executive Budish. “I am so grateful for the work done thus far by all of the CACE members and look forward to their continued efforts as we begin to implement these recommendations.”

The CACE was established after County Council passed legislation in July declaring racism as a public health crisis. Nominated by Executive Budish and County Council, 17 CACE members were tasked in part with reviewing and providing recommendations to reduce the disparities between Black and White people when it comes to things like healthcare, the criminal justice system, well-paying jobs and educational opportunities, just to name a few. The initial recommendations were to be compiled into a status report completed by the end of 2020.

The CACE plans to release regular status reports out to the community and will continue to interact with local stakeholders throughout the County to gain insight into lived experience and to help formulate meaningful solutions to long-standing issues of structural racism.

The entire report can be found on the CACE webpage. CACE is seeking community feedback on the report; public conversations can be expected beginning the first quarter of 2021.

“Every member of the Citizens’ Advisory Council on Equity recognizes the importance of this work on behalf of the community, and has put forth great effort and thoughtfulness in order to aid in producing the kind of change we all desire,” said CACE Chairman Eddie Taylor. “Structural racism is a public health crisis, and we applaud the County Executive and County Council for their willingness to explore all avenues to bring about its elimination in our county, and beyond.”

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