County Council Releases a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Redistricting Consultant Services

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Media Contact: LeVine Ross,

Pursuant to Charter Section 3.04

Cuyahoga County Council is seeking responses for qualified consultants to assist with its decennial redistricting process. Pursuant to Charter Section 3.04, County Council must appoint a Districting Commission immediately following the completion of the decennial federal census. The Council anticipates appointing the Commission in August of 2021. The selected vendor will assist the Commission members in preparing and certifying a detailed apportionment of the Council districts. Responses to the Request for Qualifications must be submitted in written form to the Cuyahoga County Procurement Department on Friday, August 6, 2021, by 4PM. A copy of the RFQ can be found on Council’s website.

Please contact Trevor McAleer at If you have any additional questions.

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