Local Partnership Expands Access to Affordable, High-Speed Internet in Central Neighborhood

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Media Contacts:
Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; mlmadigan@cuyahogacounty.us


Cuyahoga County, Cleveland Public Library, DigitalC partner to provide additional service beginning this month

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Central neighborhood residents are now able to sign up for affordable, high-speed internet, with service rolling out this month.

The project is part of the Central Neighborhood Surge, an initiative designed to push a host of Cuyahoga County resources into an area faced with historic disinvestment. This broadband initiative represents more than $660,000 investment by Cuyahoga County, Cleveland Public Library, and DigitalC.

Phase one of the rollout began January 15, connecting up to 300 households. The second phase will begin in April, connecting 200 households in the Central neighborhood by providing modems and other wireless equipment, as well offering access to devices, digital literacy training and other support to empower residents.

Cleveland Public Library applied for and received approximately $330,000 in funding from the FCC's Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF). The Library was one of 512 library systems nationwide to receive funding. The County contributed $330,000, with additional investments from DigitalC, a local non-profit focused on making Cleveland’s digital future equitable.

Over half of the 4,726 households in Central are unconnected; the neighborhood has the lowest median neighborhood income in the County at just over $10,000 per household.

“Having access to affordable, high-speed internet can change the lives of our residents,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish. “This installation is one facet of our larger ‘surge’ effort in the Central neighborhood and can have a tremendous impact on access to opportunities primarily available through the internet.”

DigitalC’s fixed wireless internet service provider, EmpowerCLE+, was introduced to the Central neighborhood in 2020. It currently serves 55 customers in Central and a total of nearly 1,200 in Clark-Fulton, Fairfax, Glenville, Hough and Woodhill-Buckeye neighborhoods.

Residents interested in signing up for this $18-a-month service when it becomes available are encouraged to contact EmpowerCLE+ at 216-777-3859. Subsidies are available to cover the monthly cost for customers.

“Bridging Cleveland’s digital divide relies on the combined efforts of so many, and we are grateful for Cuyahoga County’s leadership and support,” said DigitalC Chief Executive Dorothy Baunach. “Also partnering with Cleveland Public Library in the neighborhoods is critical to our mission. They help foster community engagement, connect us with potential customers and collaborate to ensure that devices, training and technical support are accessible, so residents can achieve better health, education and economic opportunities.”

As part of the program, residents who sign up to become Cleveland Public Library patrons and certify that they are not receiving any additional internet subsidy will receive internet service at no cost through June 30, 2022.

“Cleveland Public Library is committed to helping bridge the digital divide,” said Felton Thomas, Jr., Executive Director and CEO of Cleveland Public Library. “Our partnership with Cuyahoga County and DigitalC will allow families to survive in a world that is becoming more reliant on digital platforms. We strongly believe this initiative will help Clevelanders keep up in a rapidly changing environment.”

Library systems have long played a critical role by connecting residents to the internet in local branches and providing digital literacy training for all audiences, which is why Cleveland Public Library and DigitalC have collaborated since 2018.

The County continues to pursue opportunities to close the digital divide, including solutions proposed in an RFP that closed in September.

“Digital access is critical because it helps residents connect to services, search for jobs, and stay engaged with their family and friends,” said Cuyahoga County Chief Innovation & Performance Officer Catherine Tkachyk. “This is an important opportunity to improve access in one of the least connected neighborhoods in Cuyahoga County.”

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