Cuyahoga County Announces Proposal of Matching Funds for Brownfield Remediation

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Media contact(s):
Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; 


Property owners, municipalities and developers can apply for portion of $5 million available through ARPA funds

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Cuyahoga County is proposing to Council the use of $5 million in American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds to provide a 25% match for the Ohio Department of Development’s Brownfield Remediation Program.

The Ohio Department of Development’s Brownfield Remediation Program provides 75% of the funding needed for brownfield cleanup projects, as designated by state law. The County is proposing to provide a 25% match by using $5 million in ARPA funding for these projects to help ensure that projects are completely funded, and sites can be fully cleaned up. Combined with the State’s funding, this should bring $25 million more to Cuyahoga County to turn contaminated property into clean, usable land.

Property owners, municipalities, and developers interested in these matching funds can email to work through the funding process with the Department of Development.

“We need to get rid of contaminated land and turn it into job-creating spaces,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “By proposing ARPA funding for brownfield remediation, we can take vacant, unusable land and create opportunity where there wasn’t any before. I hope developers and property owners take advantage of this great opportunity.”

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