Budish Administration Receives Highest Recognition in Governmental Budgeting

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Media contact(s):
Tyler Sinclair: (216) 263-4545; tsinclair01@cuyahogacounty.us 


CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Cuyahoga County received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award (DBPA) from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for its 2022-2023 Biennial Budget. This is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. The county also received the award in 2016, 2018, and 2020.

Founded in 1906, GFOA’s mission is to advance excellence in public finance. GFOA has more than 20,000 current members throughout the United States and Canada. Their DBPA Budget Award was established in 1984 to recognize governments that utilize “best practices on budgeting” and that prepare budgets “of the very highest quality.” Best practices include “achieving and maintaining a structurally balanced budget.” Award recipients are honored for budgets that “excel as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications tool.”

Executive Armond Budish issued the following statement:

“We have been extremely prudent, careful, and responsible in our budgeting process, and I am excited that our efforts have been recognized by the leading budget organization. Our budget process is always very inclusive and collaborative.

I want to thank our Fiscal Officer, Michael Chambers, our Director of the Budget Office, Walter Parfejewiec, their staff, and all our agency Directors who propose their budgets. I also want to commend County Council President Pernel Jones, Finance Committee Chair Dale Miller, all of the Council members, and Joe Nanni and Trevor McAleer who review and revise the budgets for Council. This award honors all of them.

Taxpayers should feel confident in their county government knowing that their money is being spent responsibly, effectively, and efficiently. Whether it’s supporting large-scale projects like the Sherwin Williams Headquarters and Research facilities, repairing roads and bridges in the neighborhoods, or improving health and human services – it is evident, through this recognition, that taxpayer money is being put to good use.”

The county’s fiscal responsibility and success is also recognized by the high rating given by Moody’s, and the ‘AAA’ rating given by Standard and Poor’s – the highest credit rating assigned by that agency.

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