911 Call Center Bracing for Holiday Weekend
Media contact(s):
Tyler Sinclair: (216) 263-4545; tsinclair01@cuyahogacounty.us
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH — The 4th of July is historically one of the busiest days of the year for the Cuyahoga Emergency Communications System (CECOMS).
Emergency operators usually receive two to three times their normal call volume on the holiday.
In anticipation of this increase in 911 calls, here are some best practices for the use of 911.
Call or text 911 to report a life-threatening emergency, such as:
- Medical emergency – someone is hurt and needs help
- Crime – a robbery in progress, abduction, threat using a weapon
- Fire or smoke
- Suspicious activity – “If you see something… say something.”
Noise complaints (as in reports of fireworks) should be reported using your local police department’s NON-emergency phone number. The exception would be if the use of fireworks has caused an injury or fire.
View a list of non-emergency phone numbers for each individual municipality in Cuyahoga County.