Executive Ronayne Submits Nominations for Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Board of Trustees

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Media contact:
Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; mlmadigan@cuyahogacounty.us


CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – County Executive Chris Ronayne submitted to County Council today three nominations to the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) Board of Trustees.

The GCRTA Board of Trustees provides direction and oversight of agency policies and day-to-day operation of the transit system. Board members work together to ensure the RTA’s success in achieving long-range goals and its credibility in the community.

Executive Ronayne has nominated Deidre McPherson and Stephen Love as new GCRTA board members.

Ms. McPherson currently serves as Chief Community Officer at the Assembly for the Arts, where she leads efforts to improve equity and connections among arts nonprofits. Ms. McPherson also currently serves on the Bike Cleveland board as co-chair of their DEI Committee, focused on equity in transportation and the value of providing high quality transit across the region.

Mr. Love currently serves as Program Director of Environmental Issues for the Cleveland Foundation. While in this role, Mr. Love led an environmental grantmaking strategy adopted by the Foundation’s Board of Directors, with a focus on the intersections between climate, clean energy, equitable mobility and environmental justice. Mr. Love also previously served on the board of directors of the Cleveland Lakefront Parks Conservancy and the Northeast Shores Development Corporation.

Executive Ronayne has also nominated Karen Gabriel Moss as a reappointment to the GCRTA Board.

Ms. Moss has served on the GCRTA Board of Trustees since 2011, and began a new one year term as Vice President this year. She is Chair of the Audit, Safety, Compliance & Real Estate Committee and the Ad Hoc GM Search Committee, and is a member of the Operational Planning & Infrastructure Committee and the Ad Hoc By Laws Review Committee. Ms. Moss is currently a partner at Nicola, Gubranson & Cooper, LLC, practicing in the area of immigration and naturalization law with a focus on employment and family-based immigration.

“The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority is relied on by residents and visitors for millions of trips a year and provides critical transportation infrastructure for our region,” said County Executive Chris Ronayne. “That’s why enhancing access to convenient, safe, and equitable transportation is so important. As civic leaders and transit riders, Deidre, Stephen, and Karen understand how important it is to improve our system and increase mobility for all Cuyahoga County residents and visitors.”

These nominations will be introduced to County Council for consideration at the August 1, 2023 full body Council meeting.


Deidre McPhersonStephen Love
Deidre McPhersonStephen Love


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