Statement of Support of Renewal of Health and Human Services Tax Levy

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CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH- Today, the County Executive and ten members of the Cuyahoga County Council introduced legislation to put the renewal of the 4.8-mill tax levy for Health and Human Services in front of voters at the March 2024 Primary Election. Funds from the tax levy will supplement general fund appropriations for Health and Human Services for an additional eight years. The legislation will be discussed at a future committee meeting.


"The Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services provides vital resources to members of our community in need of food assistance, family support, and health care, among other services," said Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne. "Support for the levy is not just an investment in public health but a lifeline for those who rely on our services to survive. It's an opportunity for Cuyahoga County to provide ongoing resources necessary for our community's health, well-being, and growth."


“The Health and Human Services levy plays a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being and quality of life for Cuyahoga County residents,” said County Council President Pernel Jones Jr. “This levy supports programs and initiatives that strengthen our county, providing funding for essential services such as child protective services, care for older adults, and indigent care through the County’s MetroHealth system. These services are fundamental for the most vulnerable members of our community, and help ensure that they receive the care, protection, and support they need to lead fulfilling lives. This is not just a financial investment—it’s an investment in the well-being of our residents.”

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