2014 Cuyahoga County Charter Amendment Proposals

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Media Contacts: Joseph Nanni (216) 698-2520 jnanni@cuyahogacounty.us


Cleveland, OH - Cuyahoga County Council has certified four amendments to the Cuyahoga County Charter to the voters of Cuyahoga County at the November 4, 2014 election. Council held multiple hearings and took testimony covering various charter proposals throughout the months of July and August. Council ultimately adopted and approved four amendments for inclusion on the ballot, which will appear as the following measures:

  • Issue 11 – Residency Requirements: This measure would require the County Executive to be a resident of the County for at least two years prior to filing to run for office. It would also prevent County Council members from being disqualified from office before their term of office expires due to the decennial redistricting process. (See the full text of Council Resolution No. R2014-0160).
  • Issue 12 – Composition of the County Audit Committee: This measure would amend the composition of the Cuyahoga County Audit Committee; a five-member body which oversees the County’s Director of Internal Auditing. The amendment would replace the County Fiscal Officer and the County Executive, who serve on the committee, with one member of Council appointed by the Council President and one resident of the County to be appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by Council. (See the full text of Council Resolution No. R2014-0165).
  • Issue 13 – Appointment of the County Charter Review Commission: This measure would accelerate the timeline of appointment and confirmation of the County Charter Review Commission by three months. The Charter Review Commission is a body tasked with formulating proposed amendments to the County charter, and will next be appointed in 2017. (See the full text of Council Resolution No. R2014-0162).
  • Issue 14 – Voting Rights: This measure would provide that the right to vote shall be a fundamental right in the County and that all elections in the County shall be free and open. The amendment further authorizes the County to undertake measures to enforce the measure, and to promote voter registration and participation, including early voting initiatives. (See the full text of Council Resolution No. R2014-0141).

The voters of Cuyahoga County will determine whether the proposed charter changes will be incorporated into the County Charter at the November 4, 2014 election. An electronic copy of the Cuyahoga County Charter is available at https://www.cuyahogacounty.gov/code.

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