County Council to Hold Second Monthly Medical Mart and Convention Center Presentation

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Media Contact: Joseph Nanni, (216) 698-2520;


Group Plan Members also to Present

Cuyahoga County, Ohio – Cuyahoga County Council President C. Ellen Connally announced today that Council will hold the second of its monthly public updates on the Medical Mart and Convention Center (MMCC) project on June 14, 2011 at 4:00 pm in the Council Chambers on the 1st floor of the Justice Center. The work session will be held prior to Council’s regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Jeff Appelbaum, owner’s representative and MMCC project Legal Counsel, will update the Council on construction progress, budget costs, and programmatic efforts.

Also presenting will be Anthony Coyne, Chair of the City of Cleveland’s Planning Commission and Group Plan Commission and Linda Henrichsen, Senior Planner for the City of Cleveland. The Group Plan Commission has been working to create a unified vision for major downtown public spaces, including the malls connected to the Medical Mart and Convention Center.

The public is welcome to attend and hear about the progress of these important downtown plans.

For more information on the County Council, including video of all work sessions and council meetings, visit

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