Office of Emergency Management, Partner Agencies Launch Hotline for Yard Cleanup Services After Storm Damage

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A neighborhood yard with some standing trees and two trees that were broken in half by storm winds so the leaf canopy is resting on the lawn.

Residents can call for help with tree and yard debris


CUYAHOGA COUNTY - The Cuyahoga County Office of Emergency Management, in partnership with volunteers from Team Rubicon, the Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief Ohio, and Crisis Cleanup, has established a hotline for residents who want assistance moving tree and yard debris. Residents struggling to clear tree and yard debris can call (330 )208-9761 to make a request. Services are free of charge and will begin next week.


Clean-up crews will assist with cutting fallen trees and tree limbs on private property, and with bundling and stacking debris for pick-up by municipalities. Requests will be assessed and prioritized based on volunteer capabilities and residents’ needs.


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