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Seasonal Shelter Opening Sunday Evening at Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church Ahead of Severe Weather

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CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH—District 7 County Councilwoman Yvonne M. Conwell is informing residents that a seasonal shelter will open at the Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church beginning Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. as severe weather is expected in the coming days.


Located at 11115 Kinsman Road in Cleveland, Zion Church will serve as a place of shelter for those currently in need and/or who are shelter resistant. Hours of the shelter will be 6:00 p.m.-8:00 a.m. every day. The shelter is open to the adult population and can serve 35 people a night, with beds available at a first-come, first-served basis.


Entrance to the shelter is available by accessing the door on the back left side of the building.


"As we are anticipating temperatures dipping into the negatives in the forthcoming days, it was paramount that this seasonal shelter open as soon as possible,” said District 7 Councilwoman Yvonne M. Conwell. “I would like to thank Metanoia for operating this shelter for our residents most in need, to Pastor Gates for opening the doors of his church, and to Ward 4 Councilwoman Deborah Gray for supporting this shelter and promptly communicating with residents. It’s important for the County to provide warm spaces during this upcoming extreme weather, and I am grateful to our Department of Health and Human Services for making it happen.”


"Seasonal shelters are a vital resource for our unhoused population as they provide safety, warmth, and dignity," said Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne. "The opening of this seasonal shelter demonstrates the strength of partnership and collaboration. I want to thank Councilwoman Conwell, Councilwoman Gray, the Metanoia Project, Pastor Gates and the Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church for making this possible. By working together, we ensure that no one in our community is left out in the cold."


“This is a dangerous weather situation and of course we want the shelter to open to ensure that anyone who needs it can get the help they need,” said Ward 4 Cleveland City Councilwoman Deborah Gray.


Questions regarding intake can be directed to 216-338-0181

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