Tomorrow is the Deadline to Purchase a Dog License

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Buy now and avoid the penalty fee


Media Contact: Jennifer Ciaccia, 216-250-5863,


Info graphic on why to get your dog license and how to avoid extra fees.

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – The Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter is reminding all Ohio dog owners that the deadline to purchase a required dog license is Friday, January 31. The State of Ohio requires that all dogs aged 3 months and older have a current dog license. Licenses purchased after the deadline are assessed a $20 penalty fee, per Ohio law, doubling the price of the license. The Animal Shelter urges dog owners to buy now and avoid penalty fees.


Dogs that are lost can more easily be returned to their legal owner when wearing a dog license and a license allows for longer stray hold times (up to 14 days instead of 72 hours) should they enter a shelter. Licenses also give dog owners legal ownership over their dogs.


Dog licenses can be purchased in one of 3 ways:

  • A one-year tag for $20
  • A three-year tag for $60
  • A lifetime tag for $200


Cuyahoga County residents can buy their dog licenses at local Discount Drug Mart or Pet Supply Plus Stores, at the shelter, or online at


Fees from dog licenses go solely to support the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter and the lost and stray dogs it temporarily houses until reunited with their owners or adopted to new homes.


Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter is open to the public Friday and Saturday from 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Sunday from 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Available pets can be viewed at


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