Office of Small Business


The Office of Small Business serves the needs of all small businesses by providing:

  • Easy access to funding opportunities, technical and personalized assistance
  • Guidance to navigate the internal departments of the county
  • Organizational support for your small business

We are here to provide you with the support you need to grow, thrive, sustain, and build stronger relationships within the community.


Open neon sign

Start Your Business

We are here to turn your brightest idea into a radiant reality.

person ordering food at a cafe

Access to Capital

We are here to guide you through the difficult choices in finding your best-match lender.

man on the phone at a hat store

Grow Your Business

We have a network of resource opportunities to take your business to the next stage.

people browsing storefronts

Procurement & Contracting

We can help you identify contracting opportunities in both public and private sectors.

We’re Here to Help

Office of Small Business
2079 E. Ninth Street, 7th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
 (216) 698-2272
 Contact Us Form


Schedule a Virtual Appointment

Ready to discuss your goals and plans in real time? Our meetings are facilitated using Microsoft Teams, with a call-in option available for your convenience.