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Payment for EasyPay Customers Due Next Week

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Media Contact: Jennifer Ciaccia, 216-250-5863,


CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Treasurer’s Office reminds taxpayers enrolled in the EasyPay program and using auto-deduction that their final withdrawal for first-half 2024 taxes will occur on Wednesday, January 15. This payment will include changes related to valuation and any levies passed at the November General Election. Current payment information is available on the Treasurer’s website.


Property taxes are due for other taxpayers on February 20, 2025. Payments must be paid online, in-person, via phone, or postmarked by this date.


EasyPay is a pre-payment (or escrow) program that allows taxpayers to divide payments into installments (monthly, biannual, or annual). Payments are then held by the Treasurer’s Office and applied when taxes are due. When taxpayers sign up to have those payments made automatically through their banks, the Treasurer’s Office applies the interest earned on their payments to their tax bills.


Enrollment in EasyPay is as Easy as 1-2-3 and can be done online.


1. Choose an EasyPay option: you can choose automatic deductions through your bank (required for interest earned credit) or pre-payment coupons.

2. Pick a payment schedule: options include monthly, twice per year (January and June), or once per year.

3. Submit an application


For more information about EasyPay, click here.

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