CCDPW Seeks Public Input Regarding South Green Road (CR 14) Resurfacing Project

The city of South Euclid – The Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works (CCDPW) is seeking public input for a pavement resurfacing project along South Green Road (CR 14) from Mayfield Road (US 322) to Cedar Road (CR 23).

The project is necessary to improve the pavement along South Green Road, which is in poor condition. The project will also replace the existing traffic signals with new signals, mast, and control devices. Construction is scheduled for fall 2022 thru summer 2023.

Two-way traffic and access to commercial and residential properties will be always maintained during construction using part-width construction.

The majority of the project will take place in the public right-of-way along the South Green Road corridor; however, in order to install an ADA compliant curb ramp on the northwest corner of South Green and Mayfield Roads the existing mast arm will be relocated outside of the right-of-way. The new location for the mast arm foundation will be in the existing flower bed at the city owned public park located at 4451 Mayfield Road (PPN:703-03-055). The city has granted a permanent easement for the installation of this traffic control device.

Access to the park will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. During the foundation construction a small area (approximately 10’ x 10’) will be fenced off with temporary orange construction fencing. It is anticipated that the foundation construction will last for one week. This work is tentatively scheduled to take place in the fall/winter 2022.

Throughout the course of construction, the contractor will be prohibited from storing and or staging any material or equipment outside of the public right-of-way without written consent from the property owner. Any land disturbed will be fully restored and returned to a condition which is at least as good as that which existed prior to the project.

Due to the granting of an easement on publicly owned land, the Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works is seeking public input regarding the proposed impacts.

View the South Green Road Resurfacing Project Sketch.

Questions or comments will be received until Friday, May 20, 2022, and can be directed to:

Anthony DiRenzo, P.E.
2 Merit Dr.
Cleveland, OH 44143

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