Sanitary Design
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About the Sanitary Division
The Sanitary Division is focused on the maintenance and repair of aging sewer lines, sewer system needs assessment, engineering feasibility studies, and other infrastructure-related issues. These areas all have a direct impact on commercial and residential development, job creation, and expanding the tax base in the communities served by the Department of Public Works.The Sanitary Division is also a major source of technical information for communities, providing guidance for making infrastructure decisions. The Sanitary Engineering Division has considerable experience in:
- Maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of sanitary and storm sewer systems
- Operation and maintenance of pump stations and wastewater treatment plants.
Engineering and Construction Services
- Preparation of Task Orders for repairs and rehabilitation
- Plan review and approval of all new sewer improvements within the County service area
- Performance of engineering analyses (required for operation of facilities and the collection system)
- Capital improvement planning
- Construction management and inspection
- Provision of guidelines for new construction through use of the CCDPW Uniform Standards for Sewerage Improvements
- Provision of infrastructure needs assessment for communities
- Project design
- Construction inspection of new wastewater collection systems within the county service area
- Record keeping of as-built plans and test tee locations
Administrative Services
- Issuance of connection permits
- Maintenance of Record Drawings
- Provision of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for implementation
- Fiscal oversight of annual operating budget and capital improvement budge
- Administration of Grants and loans
- Licensing and permitting of more than 200 contractors
Laura Weber, P.E.
Chief Section Engineer – Sanitary Design