Board of Control

Contact Information:

Cheryl Kinzig

Description of Board and Responsibilities:

The Board of Control has approval authority over all County contracts and purchases valued from $5,000 to $500,000 (Cuyahoga County Code Title 2, Section 205.01; Cuyahoga County Code Title 5, Section 501.04B). Membership is comprised of the County Executive, Fiscal Officer, Director of Public Works, Director the Office of Procurement and Diversity, and three members of County Council appointed by the Council President. The Board of Control meets weekly to review, deliberate, and vote on various contracts, agreements, purchases and other contracting and purchasing matters under its authority. All meetings are open to the public.


Membership is comprised of the County Executive, Fiscal Officer, Director of Public Works, Director the Office of Procurement and Diversity, and three members of County Council appointed by the Council President. Members serve at the virtue of their positions with Cuyahoga County.


Board of Control Rules

Enabling Legislation:


Name Term Ends Appointed By/Representation
N/A Council
N/A Council
N/A Council
N/A Purchasing Manager
N/A Public Works
N/A Fiscal Officer
N/A County Executive

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