Local Emergency Planning Committee

Contact Information:

Local Emergency Planning
9300 Quincy Ave, Floor 2, Cleveland, OH 44106


Description of Board and Responsibilities:

The Cuyahoga County LEPC is a local organization mandated by the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 as well as Section 3750.03 of the Ohio Revised Code. The Cuyahoga County LEPC was formed in September 1987 and we are one of 88 LEPCs in Ohio, which chose to make counties the geographical focus for its local right-to-know requirements. The Cuyahoga County LEPC provides the following general services to the public, other government agencies, and regulated facilities:

  • Data Processing for annual chemical inventories for 900+ facilities
  • Planning for emergency response to emergency releases of hazardous substances
  • Receipt of emergency notifications when hazardous substance releases occur
  • Providing information about local chemical inventories and emergency releases to the public
  • Coordination of training and exercises for emergency response

Cuyahoga County is one of the most populous counties in Ohio, with 1.2 million people and 59 jurisdictions. The number of facilities and local jurisdictions makes the Cuyahoga County effort very complex, one which requires community and facility initiative to guarantee maximum success.

The LEPC typically processes ~50 annual emergency release/spill notifications and close to 200 requests for information regarding chemicals stored at local facilities near neighborhoods and businesses. 

View list of members.


The LEPC is composed of members representing various public safety entities throughout the County. Members of the LEPC are assigned to the Board by their parent agency.


Local Emergency Planning Committee Rules

Enabling Legislation:

Meeting Information:

The Cuyahoga County LEPC meets six times a year, see our meeting schedule below. Meetings are open to the public, please feel free to join us! All meetings are at 1:30pm at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District at 4747 E. 49th St in Cuyahoga Heights.

View Meeting Schedule


Name Term Ends Appointed By/Representation
N/A Transportation
N/A Hospital
N/A Other
N/A Higher Education
N/A Higher Education
N/A Fire Service
N/A Fire Service
N/A Hospital
N/A City
N/A Industry
N/A Emergency Management Services
N/A Industry
N/A Health and Medical
N/A Fire Service
N/A Transportation
N/A Environmental
N/A Transportation
N/A Chair
N/A Community Group
N/A City